Santa Fe Raptor Center has provided care for injured birds around New Mexico
with a focus on raptors since 2004.
The many volunteer rehabbers throughout the state work with us to provide the best care available to our rescues to ensure their survival. Our dedicated director and volunteers play a crucial role in helping us rescue, transport, rehabilitate, clean enclosures, and feed the birds in our care. In addition, they educate the public on the benefits these animals have in our world either at our center or by visiting schools, community events, and organizations.
James Dean's Release
Actor Wes Studi teams with veterinarian Dr. Kathleen Ramsay, who volunteers her time and resources to SFRC, to release James Dean into the Rio Grande Gorge. Nursed back to health he has now taken to the sky near Taos.
Become a Volunteer for Santa Fe Raptor Center
Click Here to Download the Volunteer Application
The Santa Fe Raptor Center is able to do all that it does because of the dedication of many people that volunteer their time and talent.
If you find an injured bird or one you might think is orphaned, please give us a call at 505-699-0455 or a wildlife facility in your area. In the meantime, please put the bird in a dark, warm, dry box. This is the best thing you can do for the bird and is the first treatment for shock.
PO Box 32021, Santa Fe, NM 87594-2021 505-699-0455 santaferaptorcenter@gmail.com